Pres. Duterte: Female Soldiers from Battle of Marawi now Enjoying HK vacation; Cebu Pacific Sponsors Free Fares - Daily News | Everything about Philippines

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November 1, 2017

Pres. Duterte: Female Soldiers from Battle of Marawi now Enjoying HK vacation; Cebu Pacific Sponsors Free Fares

Last Tuesday, President Rodrigo Duterte said female soldiers from the battle of Marawi are now enjoying their Hong Kong vacation. It is an all-expense paid trip that our president promised and Cebu Pacific vonlunteered to sponsor their fares in celebration of the end of the war in Marawi.

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When Duterte promised the Hong Kong vacation, he said he will give to our beloved soldiers who risked their lives and limbs to stop the battle in Marawi. The President said he wants the public to know that Cebu Pacific was happy to shoulder all fare expenses for the soldiers. "It was Cebu Pacific who answered for… Nung nalaman niya na… na sabi ko, sabi niya, 'Sige, ako na lang ang --- iyo na lang ang baon pati hotel.'" said the President.
Lazada Philippines

According to ABS CBN news, the government declared the end of the fight in Marawi last October 23, 2017. But since it has started, the President went back and forth in Marawi to check the status of the people, the soldiers and the war. Many lives has been lost in the war so Marawi residents are hopeful that they can now rebuild their lives.

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