San Miguel Corporation to make Bulacan the Seafood Capital of the Philippines - Daily News | Everything about Philippines

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August 14, 2019

San Miguel Corporation to make Bulacan the Seafood Capital of the Philippines

San Miguel Corporation said they are planning to make Bulacan the "Seafood Capital of the Philippines" after the announcement of the planned 734-billion airport to be built in Bulacan.
According to San Miguel Corporation's COO Ramon Ang, the project aims to support the local fishing industry. The company is already in the process of deciding which areas in Bulacan will the fishing community be built to last for generations to come.

An artist's rendition of the proposed New Manila International Airport in Bulakan, Bulacan. SMC

Bulacan can be the seafood capital of the Philippines

It can be remembered that Pamalakaya-Bulacan, a group of fishermen in Bulacan, have voiced out their concern regarding the New Manila International Airport (NMIA) as they can be displaced.  When Bulacan becomes the seafood capital of the Philippines, SMC foresees Bulacan exporting seafood to other countries and driving tourists to sample it - just like in Tsukiji, Japan.

New Airport in Bulacan

The planned new airport in Bulakan, Bulacan is a P734 Billion project and is projected to have the capacity to serve up to 200 million passengers every year. It will have 4 parallel runways that can accommodate up to 240 aircraft movement every hour.

It is the biggest investment in one project of SMC that will not only make a huge difference in the lives of millions of Filipinos and the whole country. SMC says they are now just waiting for the final approval of the project before they can start working on it.

New Airport will help improve traffic in the metro

One of the expected benefits of the new airport is the improvement of traffic in Metro Manila. Since the current airport in Manila is placed in the heart of the metro, getting to it from most of its neighboring city takes hours. But with the new airport placed in Bulacan, not only will it help lessen travel time to the South but also improve the daily lives of Filipinos, especially the ones in Manila.

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