More Details About the Pacquiao vs Mayweather 2 Fight - Daily News | Everything about Philippines

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September 18, 2018

More Details About the Pacquiao vs Mayweather 2 Fight

More details have been released about the upcoming Pacquiao vs Mayweather 2 fight. It can be remembered that just 3 days ago, Mayweather posted on Instagram that he is coming back to fight Pacquiao this year. It looks like this is confirmed as Mike Coppinger posted the negotiations are already in the advanced stages.

"I’m coming back to fight Manny Pacquiao this year. Another 9 figure payday on the way"  says Mayweather in his Instagram account.

According to Coppinger's Twitter account, the two are already talking and is expected to have the contracts ready this week. As soon as this is finalized, the fight will, of course, be held in Las Vegas and is likely to happen in December.

The two dates that are being targeted for the match is December 1 and December 8. However, there are talks that if the fight will not happen in Las Vegas, it can also happen in Macao, Tokyo or Dubai according to The report says since Pacquiao has a debt with the IRS, it may prevent him from having another fight in the U.S. Forbes also said the odds for Mayweather is -265 and +215 for Pacquiao. It is almost certain that the fight will be shown in Showtime PPV.

As mentioned by Mayweather in his Instagram account, both boxers may be looking at a nine-figure pay to make the fight happen. This isn't surprising at all as Mayweather posted he was guaranteed 100 million USD in their last fight. But it is believed he took more than that after the fight ended.

The fight between the two legendary boxers has been waited by so many boxing fans so should this event push through - it will potentially generate big numbers again for the two. No doubt this rematch will be as successful, if not more, as their first fight.

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