GOOD NEWS: Senior Citizens and PWD Can Now Work at Chowking, Mang Inasal, Greenwich and Jollibee in Manila - Daily News | Everything about Philippines

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September 7, 2019

GOOD NEWS: Senior Citizens and PWD Can Now Work at Chowking, Mang Inasal, Greenwich and Jollibee in Manila

Jollibee, Chowking, Mang Inasal, and Greenwich are now opening their doors for senior citizens and persons with disability (PWD) employee. This job opening is offered to the 39 branches of the four fast-food chains in the city of Manila, according to the Public Employment Service Office officer-in-charge Fernan Bermejo.

The work assigned for the elders will only be light tasks such as assisting customers to follow up their orders. Each senior citizen can earn as much as 5,000 pesos a month for a maximum of 4 hours of work per day. Their shift will only be within regular office hours or 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

According to reports, a total of 39 branches will have the job opening which includes 78 senior citizens and 39 deaf and mute citizens of the city.

Senior citizen applicants who live close to the branch will be prioritized, preferably those within walking distance. In this way, they only need to walk themselves to work. At the same time, they will make sure the hired senior citizen suits the task assigned to them.

The head of the JFC (Jollibee Foods Corporation) country business group said he aims to make sure the hired applicants also enjoy the work that they do that contributes to the operation of the store.

As for PWDs, each hired applicant will be hired as a regular employee. Every store will hire either one deaf or a mute person.

This new agreement was signed by the mayor of Manila Isko Moreno. According to the mayor, he wants to create an equal opportunity for all citizens of the city. He just hopes that the citizens do their best with their work and not waste the opportunity.

At the moment, the list of branches and how to apply have not yet been announced. 

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