Everything You Need to Know About the PH Government's 'Build, Build, Build' Project - Daily News | Everything about Philippines

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March 20, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About the PH Government's 'Build, Build, Build' Project

After the recent Binibining Pilipinas' coronation night, where candidate Sandra Lemonon said she was clueless about the government's "Build, Build, Build" program, some of our fellow kababayans admitted they too are not familiar of the said program. So in this article, we're going to share what the project is really about and what can Filipinos expect from it.

What is the "Build, Build, Build" Project of President Rodrigo Duterte?

In an article published by Forbes.com, the "Build, Build, Build" project is basically the government's plan to continuously build infrastructures in the country for the next 10 years. The ambitious project will cost approximately 180 billion dollars and is expected to bring great transformation to our economy.

Philippine Department of Finance Chief economist Karl Chua said our government is planning to build six new airports, nine more railways, three rapid bus transits, bridges and roads, and even seaports that will make the cost of production lower than today. In addition, this will also bring new jobs to our locals, encourage business ventures and investments within the country, less traffic, and a lot more.

And that's not all. The government is also planning to bring more energy facilities that will stabilize the power requirement of the country that costs much less than it does today. Water resource projects are also included in the plan so the agricultural sector in the country will also benefit from the project. And if that's not enough, the government will also create new irrigation system, redevelopment programs that focuses in improving the lives of our urban population.

If President Duterte succeeds in all his plans in the "Build, Build, Build" project, more Filipinos will no longer need to go abroad to be able to give better lives for their family among other economic benefit it brings.

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