Boracay Might Close for 2 to 3 Months; Demolition of Illegal Structures Started - Daily News | Everything about Philippines

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February 23, 2018

Boracay Might Close for 2 to 3 Months; Demolition of Illegal Structures Started

Boracay might need to close for 60 to 90 days to give the island its much-needed rehabilitation work after the countless environmental problems it is facing now. This is after President Rodrigo Duterte expressed his concern about the growing problems of Boracay.

According to Environment Undersecretary Jonas Leones, their plan proposes a 60 to 90 days shut down of Boracay to effectively fix its environmental issues. He said just like what happened in Phuket, Thailand where tourism was stopped for a year to allow the island to recover.

Leones also said part of their plan is to dig up all the establishment's wastewater and see where it is flowing out. Meanwhile, Inquirer reports demolition of illegal structures has already started today.

One of the first illegal structures undergoing demolition today is the structures build in the rock formations in Boracay West Cove Resort. The property owner agreed with the demolition as Environment Secretary said they could be removed since the structure was built outside the agreed leased property.

In addition, a show cause order will be presented to various establishments requiring them to present legal documents that prove they have permission  to operate in the island.

The Cause of Flooding in Boracay

Leones also said one of the caused of flooding in Boracay are the business and establishments in the 400-hectare wetlands of the islands that should not have been reclaimed.  "'Yung 400 hectares nu'n ang forest land o wetland. Ang nangyari niyan, du'n sa mga forest land, naging corrosion sila. Ang mga wetland, na-reclaim na nila. ' he added.

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