Are You Ready for Facebook's New Dating Feature? - Daily News | Everything about Philippines

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May 1, 2018

Are You Ready for Facebook's New Dating Feature?

Mark Zuckerberg has just announced last Tuesday that Facebook will have its very own dating feature. This new feature is made to help single people find lifelong partners and not just hook-ups.

Facebook new dating feature

According to, Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg will soon be launching a new feature on Facebook, dating feature. He said "This is going to be for building real, long-term relationships, not just hook-ups" As of today, there are about 200 million users in United States on Facebook that are single so they wanted to focus on helping them find a good relationship through Facebook.

The great thing about this new feature is that users will be creating a different profile for dating purposes. It will not be visible to any of their friends or network and possible matches will be based on their common interest, dating preferences, and mutual acquaintances.

It was not announced, however, if the new dating feature will be free for everyone to use. But to finally have a medium where people can find a long-term relationship is worth any paid subscription. There are many other apps or sites today that offer dating feature but most of them just give casual talks, hookups that are not really what people want to have in the long run.

For those concern of their privacy and security, not to worry as Facebook CEO said it will be their number one priority. The company is committed to boosting privacy protection, especially for this new feature.

There is no announcement yet when the new feature will be available for each country and the world but everyone eagerly awaits its release. Hopefully, it will be available to every country in the world so finding a person's possible life partner is not limited to just one country.  It can be remembered that whenever Facebook releases a new feature, it is usually made available per region.

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